Anchor Protocol
1 ANC = $0.1324
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Anchor is a savings protocol offering low-volatile yields on Terra stablecoin deposits. The Anchor rate is powered by a diversified stream of staking rewards from major proof-of-stake blockchains and therefore can be expected to be much more stable than money market interest rates.
Read morePowered by: Ico Pro listAnchor is a savings protocol offering low-volatile yields on Terra stablecoin deposits. The Anchor rate is powered by a diversified stream of staking rewards from major proof-of-stake blockchains and therefore can be expected to be much more stable than money market interest rates.
Start Date:
January 26, 2022
Token Sale Ended:
February 25, 2022
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Anchor Protocol ICO
Anchor Protocol is a savings protocol offering low-volatile yields on Terra stablecoin deposits. The Anchor rate is powered by a diversified stream of staking rewards from major proof-of-stake blockchains and therefore can be expected to be much more stable than money market interest rates. We believe that a stable, reliable source of yield in Anchor has the opportunity to become the reference interest rate in crypto.
The Future of Fundraising? – With an initial coin offering, businesses can raise funds by selling virtual tokens to investors. This new form of crowdfunding has the potential to revolutionize the way companies raise money.
Token Supply
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Sold on Pre-Sale:
Total Supply: ANC